SASE and the Electric Vehicle Revolution

When electric cars first began gaining popularity, traditional car companies thought they could easily replicate them and didn’t devote much time to develop a competing product. You could argue some still have their head in the sand, but we’ll reserve that topic for another blog.  What the traditional car companies were reluctant to realize was

Benefits of Integrating Identity and Network Access for Security and Compliance

The term “identity-based networking” refers to the concept of an end user’s identity being tied to the network services they are allowed to receive for Security and Compliance. The initial implementations of this concept can be seen in ubiquitous network services such as 802.1x. Wireless networks have been applying the basics of identity-based networking to

Predict the Future of SASE With an Eye to the Past

It was not that long ago that a wide variety of security and networking technologies first erupted in the market. Firewalls, anti-virus, IDS/IPS, web content management, site-to-site and user VPNs were offered by dozens of different vendors on dedicated appliances without a thought to centralized management or product integration. From this chaos came the next

Cloud, Mobility and the Rise of SASE

The rise of SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) is transforming the way networking and security are delivered, eliminating the challenges of managing today’s distributed environments. SASE integrates SD-WAN, zero-trust remote user access, and cloud-delivered security, allowing for security solutions to be delivered from any location and managed from the cloud. This approach simplifies infrastructure by

The Path to Victory in the SASE Market

The victor in the evolving SASE market will deliver the highest quality user experience by solving the security service chaining problem while competing head-on with the legacy security solutions that dominate IT security spending today. They will build their solution on a platform that integrates software-defined networking, edge computing, and solves the expensive problems of

Lowering the Cost of Connectivity

This blog provides an overview of our upcoming webinar, Lowering the Cost of Connectivity: Increasing the ROI of Cloud Applications. Trustgrid’s Chief Product Officer, Joe Gleinser, will guide participants through the problems, solutions and implementation process of secure cloud to on-premise connectivity and its cost-saving implications. The cloud is changing IT infrastructure, allowing application providers