We recently wrapped up extensive performance testing of our TLS based tunnels when compared to IPSec and direct (no encryption) connections. For the sake of brevity we’ll post the results in a series of blog posts.
Local Data, Centralized Application.
Trustgrid enables cloud applications to integrate to localized data with low latency and high availability. SaaS providers connect to remote data sets over the Trustgrid network and can route data directly to local users without that data leaving the country.
SD-WAN vs Trustgrid- Part 1
The team at Trustgrid often laments the lack of innovation in WAN technologies. Many are quick to point to SD-WAN as an example of innovation, and they’re right. SD-WAN is pretty cool but it’s target market is very limited.
SDN’s role in automating compliance requirements
As Michael Vizard notes here, virtualization of network features helps automate the onerous and often changing tasks of compliance. Legacy systems demand massive amounts of labor or expensive toolsets (or both) to achieve even baseline compliance.
The Intersection of Safety and Security
Network segmentation tools, like Trustgrid, offer ways to deploy truly private networks that could remain logically-gapped from the internet.
Trustgrid Announces Partnership with GCS Technologies
“GCS brings 17 years of IT services expertise that is a perfect compliment to Trustgrid’s OpenEdge product suite,” says Mark Stavrou, CEO of Trustgrid.
Prevent Breaches with Micro Segmentation
VMware’s NSX is a datacenter SDN product that is spear heading the “micro segmentation” architecture. Segmenting the networks by application or service reduces the attack surface to the individual application or service exposed. It implicitly denies all other traffic in that segment.
The End of Network Access Control (NAC)
The rise of cloud and the growing “zero trust” movement have left NACs out in the cold. Today’s Network Access Control were built for authentication and authorization in a trusted, local network or over a centralized WAN- concepts that have proven cumbersome, prone to breach, and expensive.
Empty Promises of Nearly Unlimited Bandwidth
The promises of nearly free and unlimited bandwidth have helped the cloud originate most technology innovation over the last several years. Whether Google Fiber, 4G (now 5G), or the inevitable trend of more-for-less in technology, there was good reason to think that bandwidth and latency would not limit future success.
Fog Computing – The Cloud Comes Down to Earth
Trustgrid is an early pioneer in fog computing- a new concept bringing the benefits of cloud flexibility, scalability, and automation to a location near you! The Trustgrid platform enables a high security network that blurs the lines between public and private clouds and on-premise and datacenter. Workloads execute where resources are ideal (disk, CPU, cost, bandwidth, latency, etc) without discrimination based on connectivity to devices, data, or users.
Some limits of public cloud
Trustgrid is born in the cloud. AWS and other public cloud vendors provide leading edge technology at a scale that would be impossible for us to replicate. It’s also nice on cash flow. But as cloud matures its limitations are becoming more apparent.
Software Defined Perimeters- SDN for the Edge
The buzzword at the 2017 RSA Conference was “Software Defined Perimeter.” At least two dozen prominent booths had painted the phrase on the booth or dropped the phrase in the first 30 seconds of conversation. What is a Software Defined Perimeter (SDP)? How does it differ from a Software Defined Network (SDN)?