With our latest release of the Trustgrid Portal, we’ve added enhanced alerting and monitoring capabilities to nodes. Trustgrid’s existing alerting features enabled our customers to monitor node life cycle information including – connections (up/down), profile updates (config changes), and health checks (health of remote hosts). You can now monitor disk, CPU, and memory utilization and latency between nodes. You’ll find this configuration on the ‘Alerts’ tab when configuring a node:
Thresholds can be watched over seconds, hours, and minutes. Alert history can be viewed for specific nodes (on the node configuration page), as well as for the entire organization, in the Operations page:
You can also provide an email address to which all alert emails will be sent. Trustgrid alerts are sent as JSON to be easily parsed into your support or PSA systems:
“node”: “node2-profiled.trustgrid.io”,
“uid”: “7fe560b7-0846-414f-8e1b-a4f19240c43c”,
“expires”: 1535642706,
“org”: “1”,
“alert_message”: “Exceeded threshold policy CPU demo with value 100.00”,
“extras”: {
“nodeName”: “node2-profiled.trustgrid.io”,
“alert”: {
“alertMessage”: “Exceeded threshold policy CPU demo with value 100.00”,
“level”: “ERROR”,
“id”: “e386b141-dcdc-487c-a506-1a9f5759ec67”,
“state”: “EXCEEDED”
“trackType”: “ALERT”,
“domain”: “trustgrid.io”,
“time”: 1535037900,
“nodeId”: “738c07e9-2a30-4c06-97c9-2bc92587a146”,
“tenant”: “prod”,
“orgId”: “1”
“type”: “Metric Threshold Violation”,
“timestamp”: 1535037906695